Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Selection Info

Selection info is posted on the right bar, you can also email me (kayak360 -at- to get a PDF if you prefer. Note that there are no longer pre-test dates but rather 3 testing dates, all on the ergs with one water session. Here is the schedule:

Lambert’s Boathouse Sun, Feb 25, noon- 2pm Time Trial

Lambert’s Boathouse Sat, March 31, noon- 2pm Time Trial

Lambert’s Boathouse Sun, May 6, noon-2pm Time Trial, water trial

Lambert’s Boathouse Sun, May 13, 9am 11am First Practice or Rain Date water trial

Fox Chapel Marina Sun, May 27, 9am 11am Second practice

Fox Chapel Marina Sun, June 3, 9am 11am Third practice

Philadelphia Sat, June 9 Independence Dragon Boat Regatta

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